
Running the demo

In order to run the example runner (sample_challenge.sh) you need to clone this repository, install the Go language binary and run:

go build -ldflags "-X main.encryption_key=example_key_1234"

Structure of a TA level

The respective levels (or stages) of your challenges (shell sessions the runners start) are described in .ta files. Levels are separated by Markdown horizontal lines with at least 10 dashes.

In order for a level to be recognized, it needs to have two parts: metadata and text. As expected, the text is just Markdown formatted text that gets printed in terminal and should guide the user. The metadata consist of a YAML document that specifies metadata for a given level. The metadata are separated from text by two new lines. An example challenge (.ta) file might therefore look as follows:

name: level0
test: test $(pwd) = "/tmp"

In this level your task is to change your working directory to '/tmp'.


name: level1
test: test $(pwd) = "$HOME"

Awesome, you made it to /tmp. Now get back to your home directory.


name: level2
test: false

I see you made it again, awesome! That's all for now, so lay back and enjoy your

The basic operation can be described follows:

  1. User is first ‘dropped’ into the first level.
  2. The level’s text is printed.
  3. After each command the test of the current level is executed.
  4. If the test passes (that is the exit status code of the command mentioned in the test field is 0), user’s level gets changed to the next level and the application proceeds with 2.

Note that in our case it is not possible to get out of level2, since the false command never produces an exit status code 0, which is necessary for the test to pass.

Validating a given .ta file

The generated binary (term-adventure) also provides an option to check, whether the .ta file is loaded correctly. In order to check file sample.ta you can run:

$ ./term-adventure --print sample.ta

Validating user’s progress

The binary uses a hash of many interesting things to keep track of the level you are currently in. Depending on the name of the challenge and whether you use the attached challenger.sh, it can be found in the following file:


Once you have this hash and the home directory of the user which has managed to enter the level denoted by this hash, you can reverse-lookup the name of that level by executing:

$ ./term-adventure --detect-level ./sample.ta $HASH $HOMEDIR